The premise of Highway to Hell is extremely clever. How does an author convince readers to care about people who are being tortured in Hell? If most of us think of Hell, at all, it is with the quiet conviction that we won't be going there. Hitler, people who commit heinous acts such as abusing, or murdering children--they all belong in Hell and we hope that it's uncomfortable, for a long, long time. Well, Laybourne takes these expectations and he turns them on their ear.
I warn you to strap on your seatbelt because Highway to Hell is bumpy ride, and whatever you do, don't stick your hand out the window, or God forbid, your head. Hell is not for sissies, but this novel kept me totally engrossed for a full week. It provided well developed characters, compelling situations, and the type of horror that will leave you metaphorically weaving from lane to lane, hoping for a nearby exit. You're going to get car-sick reading this sincerely frightening masterpiece. I can't wait for part two of the series!
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