This is a guest post by Beth Elisa Harris.
Can we pause for a moment from our hectic, over-booked, fatigued, maxed-out, lives and remember what is really important?
We lost one of our own this month – an author of many books, our friend Howard. I didn’t know him outside our literary circle. Aside from social media and mutual support, Howard was one of many online writer pals who exemplified why we all gather here – community.
Death is hardest on those who are left behind. We take comfort in the legacy left behind, the memories we share, the essence of the energy that continues to surround us despite absence of physical body.
When someone passes without warning, without pre-illness, it’s that much tougher. We can grieve illness when someone is still living, and while we mourn the loss we had time to prepare. There is time to process, to tie up loose ends, and to say farewell. Sudden passing is without warning. It doesn’t come with a set of instructions. It’s inconceivable that someone would be there one minute, and simply not the next.
It is because of the finite life line we all share, the No Guarantee brand on every life that does not promise you a single breath past tomorrow, or the next hour, or the next minute, or second - that every breath must be a cause for celebration. What are you doing right now to celebrate that breath you just took?
Because we continue to have the privilege of breathing, let us honor Howard’s LIFE by honoring his work. This year, let’s each commit to read something Howard wrote (if you haven’t already) and post a review. And please help RT the Thursday Teaser Train tweets Feb. 9, dedicated exclusively to our talented friend.
We are all extremely busy and that will not change. But let’s keep Howard in our thoughts this year, and not allow life to get in the way of remembering our ultimate purpose: To revere each second ticking by as a gift not to be squandered.
Howard, you will be missed.
Visit Howard’s author page on Amazon to read more and view his works.
Can we pause for a moment from our hectic, over-booked, fatigued, maxed-out, lives and remember what is really important?
We lost one of our own this month – an author of many books, our friend Howard. I didn’t know him outside our literary circle. Aside from social media and mutual support, Howard was one of many online writer pals who exemplified why we all gather here – community.
Death is hardest on those who are left behind. We take comfort in the legacy left behind, the memories we share, the essence of the energy that continues to surround us despite absence of physical body.
When someone passes without warning, without pre-illness, it’s that much tougher. We can grieve illness when someone is still living, and while we mourn the loss we had time to prepare. There is time to process, to tie up loose ends, and to say farewell. Sudden passing is without warning. It doesn’t come with a set of instructions. It’s inconceivable that someone would be there one minute, and simply not the next.
It is because of the finite life line we all share, the No Guarantee brand on every life that does not promise you a single breath past tomorrow, or the next hour, or the next minute, or second - that every breath must be a cause for celebration. What are you doing right now to celebrate that breath you just took?
Because we continue to have the privilege of breathing, let us honor Howard’s LIFE by honoring his work. This year, let’s each commit to read something Howard wrote (if you haven’t already) and post a review. And please help RT the Thursday Teaser Train tweets Feb. 9, dedicated exclusively to our talented friend.
We are all extremely busy and that will not change. But let’s keep Howard in our thoughts this year, and not allow life to get in the way of remembering our ultimate purpose: To revere each second ticking by as a gift not to be squandered.
Howard, you will be missed.
Visit Howard’s author page on Amazon to read more and view his works.